Microwave Oven
* Additional alphanumeric characters representing other
models in the series may follow each model number.
Keep these instructions for future reference. If the oven
changes ownership, be sure this manual accompanies
Hood Exhaust Duct
Materials Needed (Not Supplied)
Outside ventilation requires hood exhaust duct. Use only
metal duct. Read the following carefully.
• Phillips screwdriver
• Pencil
• Ruler or tape measure and straight edge
• Protective gloves
• Carpenter square (optional)
• Tin snips (in some applications)
• Electric drill with 1/2, 3/16, and 5/8 inch drill bits
• Hammer
• Stud finder (optional)
• Filler blocks, if needed for top cabinet spacing
• Saw (jig or keyhole)
Exhaust Connection: Hood exhaust has been designed
to mate with standard 3 1/4 inch x 10 inch rectangular duct.
If round duct is required, rectangular-to-round transition
adaptor must be used. Do not use less than 6 inch
diameter duct.
Rear Exhaust: If rear or horizontal exhaust is to be used,
care should be taken to align exhaust with space between
Maximum Duct Length: Total duct length of 3 1/4 inch x
10 inch rectangular or 6 inch diameter round duct should
not exceed 140 equivalent feet for satisfactory air
• Charcoal filter kit (for inside recirculating installation)
• Filler panel kit (if space between cabinets is greater
than 30 inches)
Elbows, Transitions, Wall and Roof Caps, Etc.
Elbows, transitions, wall and roof caps, etc., create
additional resistance to airflow and are equivalent to a
section of straight duct. When calculating total duct length,
add equivalent lengths of all transitions and adaptors, plus
length of all straight duct sections. Chart below shows
approximate feet of equivalent length of some typical
Materials Needed (Supplied)
Installation hardware is contained in packet shipped with
microwave oven. Verify all parts listed below are included
in packet.
Equivalent Length
Rectangular-to-Round Transition
5 FT.
Wall Cap
90° Elbow
45° Elbow
40 FT
10 FT.
5 FT.
90° Elbow
45° Elbow
25 FT.
5 FT.
Roof Cap
24 FT.
Wood screws / x 2 inches
Toggle Bolts, / inch
Machine screws / x2 /
Nylon grommet
(for metal cabinets)
Foam Tape 28 inch piece
Accessories Available for Purchase from
• Charcoal filter kit: Charcoal filter kit is needed for
recirculating exhaust installation.
• Filler panel kit: If space between cabinets is greater
than 30 inches, filler panel kit may be used to fill in gap
between microwave oven and cabinets.
* If rectangular-to-round transition adaptor is used, bottom
corners of damper will have to be cut to fit, using tin
snips, in order to allow free movement of damper.
Installation Instructions
A. Removing Mounting Plate
1. Place protective blanket on work surface to
protect outer case of microwave oven. Place
microwave oven on control panel side.
Outside Top Exhaust (Vertical Duct)
1. Slide exhaust adaptor to one side, squeeze sides and
remove. Save damper and exhaust adaptor.
2. Proceed to "Preparing Top Cabinet".
2. Remove 2 screws from mounting plate, as
shown above. Plate will be used as rear wall
3. Locate separately packed grease filters and hardware
Outside Back Exhaust (Horizontal Duct)
1. Slide exhaust adaptor to one side, squeeze sides and
remove. Save damper and exhaust adaptor. See
diagram above.
2. Remove and save 3 screws holding blower plate to
microwave oven.
4. Remove any adhesive tape on exhaust
adaptor, grease filters, and power supply cord.
B. Preparing Microwave Exhaust Duct
This microwave oven is designed for adaptation to the
following three types of ventilation.
• Outside Top Exhaust (Vertical Duct)
• Outside Back Exhaust (Horizontal Duct)
• Recirculating (Non-vented/Ductless)
Select type of ventilation required for your installation and
proceed to that section.
3. Lift off blower plate.
NOTE: Microwave oven is shipped assembled for top
exhaust. Adjustments will need to be made to
assure proper alignment with current exhaust duct
after microwave oven is installed.
Remove and save the screw that holds blower motor
to microwave.
5. Carefully pull out blower unit. Wires extend far
enough to allow for blower adjustments.
9. Fit exhaust adaptor into house duct. Be sure damper
hinge is on top and damper swings free into wall
6. Turn blower unit end-over-end. Roll blower unit so
fan blade openings are facing out back of microwave
oven. Blower unit exhaust openings should match
exhaust openings on rear of microwave oven. Wires
should be routed in front of motor fan.
10. Remove paper from sticky side of 28 inch foam tape
strip. Press sticky side onto front edge of exhaust
adaptor. (Do not stretch foam tape).
11. Proceed to "Preparing Top Cabinet".
Recirculating Exhaust (Non-Vented/Ductless)
Exhaust adaptor with damper is not needed for
recirculating models. Save exhaust adaptor with damper
for possible future use. Charcoal filter kit must be used.
Contact dealer to purchase charcoal filter kit.
1. Slide exhaust adaptor to one side, squeeze sides and
remove. Save damper and exhaust adaptor.
2. Remove and save 3 screws that hold blower plate to
microwave oven.
3. Lift off blower plate.
7. Guide wires into duct while placing blower unit back
into opening. Secure blower motor with screw
removed in step 4.
To avoid product failure, do not pull,
stretch, or pinch blower wiring.
8. Replace blower plate using 3 screws.
Remove and save the screw that holds blower motor
to microwave.
5. Carefully pull out blower unit. Wires extend far
enough to allow blower adjustments.
8. Replace blower plate using 5 screws.
6. Roll blower unit so blades face towards front of
microwave oven. Wires should be routed in front of
motor frame.
9. Remove 2 screws on front of grille. Remove grille.
10. Install charcoal filter. (Contact dealer to purchase
charcoal filter kit).
11. Replace grille and 2 screws.
12. Proceed to "Preparing Top Cabinet".
7. Guide wires into duct while placing blower unit back
into opening. Secure blower motor with screw
removed in step 4.
C. Preparing Top Cabinet
1. Read instructions on top cabinet template.
2. Tape template underneath top cabinet.
3. Drill holes, following instructions on template.
D. Mounting Bracket Assembly to Wall
Microwave oven needs to be mounted against and
supported by flat, vertical wall. Wall construction should be
minimum of 2 inch x 4 inch wall studding and 3/8 inch or
more, thick drywall or plaster/lath. Microwave oven must
be attached to minimum of one 2 inch x 4 inch wall stud.
To avoid product failure, do not pull,
stretch, or pinch blower wiring.
1. Find studs, using one of following methods:
7. Drill holes through circles. Diameter of holes should
be 5/8 inch for toggle bolts and 3/16 inch for wood
screws on studs. Use at least 1 wood screw in stud,
and 2 toggle bolt assemblies into drywall or plaster.
8. Attach mounting plate to wall.
• Stud finder--magnetic device which locates nails.
• Use hammer to tap lightly across mounting surface
to find solid sound. This will indicate stud
9. Remove toggle assembly from screws. Insert screws
into mounting plate and replace toggle assembly to
3/4 inch past screw ends. Insert toggle assembly into
holes in wall to mount bracket. Pull forward on
bracket to tighten toggle bolts.
Note: After locating stud or studs, stud center can be
found by probing wall with small nail to find edges of
stud. Place mark halfway between edges. Center
of any adjacent stud should be 16 inches or 24
inches from mark.
2. Draw line down middle of studs. Microwave must be
connected to at least one wall stud.
3. Draw vertical line on wall, at center of 30 inch wide
If installation is other than outside back exhaust, proceed
to step F.
4. Use mounting plate as template for rear wall. Place
mounting plate on wall, verify tabs are against bottom
of cabinet. Line up notch and center line on mounting
plate to center line on wall.
E. Preparing Rear Wall Cutout Opening for
Outside Back Exhaust
1. Place mounting plate against rear wall, as described
in diagram at left.
5. While holding mounting plate with one hand, draw
circles on wall at holes A and B, marked on mounting
plate. See diagram below. Holes A and B are shown
by arrows stamped into mounting plate and must be
used for mounting. If holes are not used, improper
installation will occur. Use toggle bolts through these
holes unless one lines up with stud. Use wood screw
for stud. Set mounting bracket aside.
2. Using pencil, draw dots through holes D and E, and in
tips of notches G and F. Mark straight edges of H and
I for bottom line. This will give location and size of
box cutout for rear wall duct.
3. Verify exhaust adaptor (with damper) is squared up in
house duct and lines up with holes in mounting plate.
4. Attach 28 inch foam tape to front of mounting plate,
around both exhaust openings where it will touch
microwave oven.
6. Draw third circle through one of top or bottom
holes to match location of stud.
NOTE: Exhaust must be aligned within space between
NOTE: For outside back exhaust, microwave oven
requires rear wall cutout opening for rear wall
duct. See "Preparing Rear Wall Cutout Opening
for Outside Back Exhaust" section.
5. Install grease filters.
F. Mounting Microwave Oven
6. For top exhaust, open top cabinet and attach exhaust
adaptor to microwave oven through cabinet bottom.
For front-to-back or side-to-side adjustment, slide
exhaust adaptor as needed.
To avoid personal injury and oven
door damage, do not lift oven using
door handle. Two people should lift
oven when installing.
1. Locate grease filters packed separately and set aside.
Thread power cord through hole, or slot, in bottom of
top cabinet. Keep cord tight throughout step 2.
2. Install microwave by sliding onto arms of mounting
plate. Push microwave oven flush to wall. Verify
cord is tight.
Twist exhaust adaptor to fit under flaps of blower
plate. Verify damper moves freely. Square corner on
hinge ends.
7. Pull house duct down to connect to exhaust adaptor.
G. Installation Checklist
1. Verify microwave oven has been installed according
to instructions.
2. Remove all packing material from microwave oven.
3. Replace house fuse or turn on breaker.
4. Plug power cord into outlet.
5. Read use and care manual.
3. Attach microwave oven to top cabinet. Use filler
block if cabinet front hangs below cabinet bottom
4. Insert 4 screws with washers through top cabinet
holes and tighten to top of microwave oven. (While
tightening screws, lift front side of microwave oven
and push toward wall.)
Printed in U.S.A.